Remember to download and print the 2015 Summer Calendar and input all rehearsals, trainings, etc. into your family and/or personal calendar. There are a lot of information for events happening in May, June, and August, so PLEASE read it carefully.
Remember that the Summer Order Form was due today (May 1st) for any new marcher or anyone needing additional or replacement shirts, shorts, flip-folder, lyre, sunglasses, or general instrument care items. If you haven't yet turned it in, please do so ASAP. Anyone auditioning for Drumline, Catettes, and Flags may turn their forms in after auditions, by Friday, May 29th.
Lastly, as mentioned, there are a lot of information for events happening in May, June, and August. Additional details will be provided for some of these events, like our summer parades. Upcoming dates/events of great significance include:
-ASAP - remaining Summer Order Forms turned in.
-May 29th - Summer Order Forms turned in for Percussionists, Catettes, and Flags.
-May 29th - Marching Band Music to go home.
-May 29th - FALL Order Forms go home.
-June 1st - Parent meeting in HS Aud. at 6pm.
-June 1st - Student Info Sheet turned in.
-June 9th - ALL instruments go home with students (except HS Drumline instruments).
-June 26th - 1). Drumline rehearsal 2). HS open to pick up forgotten instruments form 12pm-4pm
-June 28th - Mayfield Heights Parade - Details TBA via email and ALL-CALL.
-July 1st - FALL Order Forms due.
-July 4th - 4th of July Parade - Details TBA via email and ALL-CALL.