All payments will be due at the time of pickup. Prices and size options listed below:
Shoes: $25 (Men: 3-16, Women: 5-15.5)
Spats: $10 (S, M, L, XL)
Gloves: $2 (S, M, L, XL)
Shorts: $15 (S, M, L, XL, XXL)
Shirt: $15 (S, M, L, XL, XXL)
If anyone needs replacement uniform parts for the Disney trip (Shoes, spats, gloves, shorts, band shirt) you must email Mr. Fancher or provide a written note by this Friday, January 29th with the name of the student, items needed, and respective sizes. Don't wait, please make all orders now. If you wait too long, we might not have enough lead-time to get the items in before the trip!
All payments will be due at the time of pickup. Prices and size options listed below: Shoes: $25 (Men: 3-16, Women: 5-15.5) Spats: $10 (S, M, L, XL) Gloves: $2 (S, M, L, XL) Shorts: $15 (S, M, L, XL, XXL) Shirt: $15 (S, M, L, XL, XXL) All Disney-related documents and other information can be found at our new Disney page. It can be found either by following that link, or through the navigation bar at the top of the page. Check back for the most up-to-date information regarding the trip. Please download and complete the medical authorization forms as necessary and return them to Mr. Fancher ASAP. Thank you!
The payment website is not working as many of you know. To complete final payment, you will have to call the Hawaii Travel company at 1-800-859-5969 and give payment authorization over the phone either by credit card or electronic bank check just like you would on the website. They will be in the office in Hawaii today now thru 8:30pm EST and tomorrow (FRI) 2pm-8pm EST. If you cannot meet this payment cutoff time, you need to call them and make arrangements with them. For a late fee of $50, the deadline can be extended. Katie and Bianca are ready and waiting for your calls.
Reminder that the final payment for the Disney Trip is due this Friday, January 22nd. If you are not paid in full or will not be able to be by Friday, I suggest that you call Bianca at Hawaii State Tours at 1-800-589-5969 and discuss your options. Bianca's email is [email protected]. Thanks!
Reminder that there is a pep band performance Friday, January 15th at MHS. Call time is 7pm in the band room. All students should wear their green band shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes. We will be playing pep music from the marching season.
November 2024
UpdatesCome here for important updates regarding handouts passed out in class, upcoming events, and other news! |
Mr. David Jelen
Drumline Instructor Mayfield High School |
Ms. Kathleen McCurdy
Assistant Marching Band Director Mayfield High School |