Marchingband.pdf |
Please see the attached document that was handed out during last night's open house. This document includes information about marching band expectations and procedures. Students and families are expected to be familiar with this information. Please click on the link below to sign-up to help pass out and collect uniforms before and after home football games. We need volunteers to serve as Band Bus Chaperones for Away Football Games. Please sign up here: Thank you! Please click on the attached document for the fall marching band schedule. Students should report to the high school band room for all call times and rehearsals. Wednesday night rehearsals will be from 4:00-6:00 pm. (There will be director supervision for students that need to stay after school, please notify us if you would like your student supervised) Monday, 8/15/16 - All band members report to the high school band room at 10:15 am to play for the beginning of the year district kick-off. Please bring your marching band shoes, spats, and gloves, we will be wearing our full uniforms. Please practice your instrument in preparation for Monday!!! Go Cats!!!!
November 2024
UpdatesCome here for important updates regarding handouts passed out in class, upcoming events, and other news! |