An all call was placed earlier tonight referring to the lock-in tonight. Students should be dropped off at door 16 on the South side of the building--the side closest to the football field--between 10:30pm and 11:00pm. Thank you, and we'll see you tonight!
Please read through our new Booster Officer Contact Information sheet for this coming year's Directors, Band Booster Executive Board and Band Booster Committee Chairs.
Summer Schedule Update: Meetings on Wednesday, May 27th and Thursday, May 28th have been moved. The meeting for next year's Leadership will now happen on Tuesday (May 26th) at 5pm (after the meeting for next year's Seniors). The meeting for next year's Juniors will now be on Friday (May 29th) from 3-4pm and the meeting for next year's Sophomores will follow, from 4-5pm. Please see the new attached 2015 Summer Calendar.
The MHS Jazz Band will be performing on Sunday, May 24th at Kennywood park! Come support the band and enjoy the day in the park!!! All Jazz Band students need to download, complete, and turn in the Kennywood Information Sheet.
Students who are interested in Positions for Marching Band, please download, read, complete, and turn in forms by there due dates.
Positions include: Band Officers - President, Vice President, Class Representatives (9th-12) - turn in by May 18th. Section/Squad Leader - turn in by May 18th. Auxiliary Captains - Catettes, Flags - turn in by May 18th. Wildcat - turn in by May 15th. Next, the Band Lock-In will be held from Friday night (May 22nd) through Saturday morning (May 23rd). To find out more about this event, please please download, read, complete, and turn in form by May 21st. Please download and print the updated Cedar Point Trip Information Sheet. The trip will be on Friday, June 12th and will cost $37.50 (payable to Mayfield Band Boosters). We will leave MHS at 8am and return between 11pm-11:30pm. Please turn in all paperwork by May 15th.
Each year, we require that each student submit a fully completed Student Info Sheet, that details their contact information and conflicts, so that we can keep track of everything and ensure that you are set up to be contacted on our email and All-Call system. Please complete the sheet and turn it in later than June 1st.
Remember to download and print the 2015 Summer Calendar and input all rehearsals, trainings, etc. into your family and/or personal calendar. There are a lot of information for events happening in May, June, and August, so PLEASE read it carefully. Remember that the Summer Order Form was due today (May 1st) for any new marcher or anyone needing additional or replacement shirts, shorts, flip-folder, lyre, sunglasses, or general instrument care items. If you haven't yet turned it in, please do so ASAP. Anyone auditioning for Drumline, Catettes, and Flags may turn their forms in after auditions, by Friday, May 29th. Lastly, as mentioned, there are a lot of information for events happening in May, June, and August. Additional details will be provided for some of these events, like our summer parades. Upcoming dates/events of great significance include: -ASAP - remaining Summer Order Forms turned in. -May 29th - Summer Order Forms turned in for Percussionists, Catettes, and Flags. -May 29th - Marching Band Music to go home. -May 29th - FALL Order Forms go home. -June 1st - Parent meeting in HS Aud. at 6pm. -June 1st - Student Info Sheet turned in. -June 9th - ALL instruments go home with students (except HS Drumline instruments). -June 26th - 1). Drumline rehearsal 2). HS open to pick up forgotten instruments form 12pm-4pm -June 28th - Mayfield Heights Parade - Details TBA via email and ALL-CALL. -July 1st - FALL Order Forms due. -July 4th - 4th of July Parade - Details TBA via email and ALL-CALL. |
December 2024
UpdatesCome here for important updates regarding handouts passed out in class, upcoming events, and other news! |