Dear PRIDE of Mayfield Band Families,
The Mayfield Band Boosters has planned some fun events during Band Camp. This is new for us!
They are not fundraisers...and not mandatory...just purely a way to get the Band kids and their families together to have some fun.
We have 2 band outings planned for Pride of Mayfield band members:
- Fun 'n' Stuff in Macedonia 7/22/21 band members and immediate family
- Atlas Movie night 7/25/21 band members only
We end band camp with a pool party on Friday 7/30/21 where we will have a parent meet and greet with the 2021/22 Band Booster members. We will have past discounted spirit wear along with brand new spirit wear designs for our 2021/22 upcoming year. Flyers with details are attached, hoping you will join us.
Online registration ahead of time IS REQUIRED for movie night and Fun-n-Stuff, links are available now!
Please email Shelly Blanchard, [email protected] if you have additional questions.
Looking forward to a great year!
Shelly Blanchard
Pride of Mayfield Band Booster President

Pool Party Flyer.pdf |

Movie Night Flyer Ticket Reservations.pdf |

Fun 'n Stuff Flyer/Ticket Order.pdf |

2021 Fall Sports Ad Form (UPDATED).pdf |