- WED eve 5:30pm call time for all Band members. Summer uniforms to be worn. This includes green band shirt, black band shorts, white socks and white tennis shoes or closest to white shoes that you have. Band will perform for Mayfield/Cleveland Clinic event at the stadium and be excused after approx 1/2 - 1 hour. Attendance is mandatory.
- THURS eve rehearsal. Call time is 5:45pm. Be ready 6pm-8:45pm. Typical rehearsal for marching band season. Attendance is mandatory.
Please notify Mr. McGrath at [email protected] if you cannot attend either of these events.
For those of you who did not pick up a photo button of your child, you may pick them up outside the band room at drop off for your child tomorrow (Wed). Thuzar Ho and I will be outside handing them out.
Please be mindful of the traffic patterns. We have requested that no one drive thru the parking lot for the pool or Wildcat Fitness to attempt to keep the walking area for band members safe. See the
Band Traffic sheet for directions.
- FRI - EARLY call time this Friday at 4pm, since the game is so far away going South on 271. Best thing to do is to come to school prepared and bring an after-school-snack!
Be a proud band family!