Wednesday, October 5th - Evening rehearsal for all band members, extended 30 minutes, 5:00-7:00pm
Thursday, October 6th - Permission slips due for Columbus Day Parade, slips must be completed and turned in by 8th period in order for students to participate in the field trip.
Friday, October 7th - Away game at Chardon, call time 5:15pm
Looking Ahead:
Monday, October 10th - Field trip to Little Italy for Columbus Day Parade, students will need all of their full uniform accessories for the trip. We will be wearing full uniforms for the parade. Students will be called down to the band room at 9:00am. We will return to the school at approximately 1:45pm, the Band Boosters will be providing pizza for the students for lunch.
Wednesday, October 12th - No school, no evening rehearsal
Friday, October 14th - No school, home football game, Senior Band Night, call time 5:30pm